2017 started by celebrating our Christmas engagement and planning our first trip together to Colombia, Mark had already met my parents and brother, but it was time to see my home, where I’m from, places I used to go, people I hanged out with and food I ate (that btw he looooved), we started our trip at my parents country house, for 4 days, that’s one of my favourite places on earth, we did some parasailing, hiking and tons of eating. We also went to Bogotá for a few days, I showed Mark the University I went to, we had our portrait made by a local artist on a street, visited family and before we knew it was time to come back.

Montreal blogger, colombian trip, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, santander, extreme, parasailing, love my life, live a little, my unicorn life, follow the sprinkles, cañon del Chicamoccha, panachi

Montreal blogger, colombian trip, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, santander, extreme, parasailing, love my life, live a little, my unicorn life, follow the sprinkles

Back in MTL, some cross country skiing was done as usual, hot chocolate at home, we hosted a Saint Patrick’s brunch before heading to the parade (my first) and tons of baking happened, during the spring it was just about improving my methods and nailing some key recipes.

follow the sprinkles, baking class, cake pops class, baking class montreal, montreal blogger, jen guevara, montrealer, baking montreal, home baker, love to bake, cake pops montreal, baking classes in montreal, sugar cookies, macarons, montreal baker

As summer was approaching and I was getting more baking orders, bridal showers, first communions, birthdays, etc… I decided to start my Youtube channel, first it was a little teaser video, just to remind me to actually do it.

Just as summer showed up, I went to visit my Friend Lina and her adorable family in Virginia, as Mark was at his annual canoe trip with his friends. Just as I came back, I started teaching, maybe one of the biggest challenges in a while, but also a very very satisfying one, 200% out of my comfort zone, but I survived! Now I know I can teach, in a second language and without burning the things in the oven.

Friends for life, montreal blogger, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, weekend getaway

Friends for life, montreal blogger, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, baking classes, follow the sprinkles, chao gato, sugar cookies

We got pretty and went to a couple of weddings, both of Mark’s cousins, one was in town and the second one was in NB, so we drove for a few hours, but as you know I love the road, and I haven’t explored much of that side of the country yet, so it was pretty sweet.

Friends for life, montreal blogger, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, weddings, celebrating love, boutique 1861

In July we celebrated our 3rd year together, we had a pretty awesome date to celebrate, but the day before this happened, we decided to adopt the most adorable tiny fluff, a black schnauzer, we called him Doug and he’s the latest addition to our little family.

Doug the dog, rhino the cat, montreal blogger

Cirque du Soleil, more road trips, Hawaiian birthdays, camping, DIY, training Doug, making Rhino love him, it was a busy enough summer… we also saw our little nephew and asked him of he wanted to be our ring bearer (I hope he’s practicing that walk). Mark ran his annual 10K, Dougy kept on growing and growing and I started going to the gym at 6:30am, it’s the best time if I actually wanna go. Oh and I turned 30!

Friends for life, montreal blogger, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, summer, camping, cirque du soleil, 10k, hawaian party, road trip, big apple, ontario, sutton camping, ring bearer

Then it was fall, the home office started to look nicer and cozier, more videos were done and classes taught, and I received my wedding dress in the mail (remember  I went to the states in May? I fall in love with a dress I had to order) we also booked our second trip to Colombia, couldn’t make it for the holidays, but a bit before.

Friends for life, montreal blogger, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, montrealer, follow the sprinkles, my unicorn life

I finished the wedding invitations (because of course I made them myself, the whole thing, from choosing the paper, to designing, printing, cutting, folding and glueing)… next stop, Colombia to deliver those sweet invitations; we went for just one week, so it was non-stop, we went to many places I’ve never been before, but my brother had, so he was the perfect guide, we hanged out with my parents as much as we could, went fishing, shopping, eating, you know, the usual.

Montreal blogger, colombian trip, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, santander, extreme, parasailing, love my life, live a little, my unicorn life, follow the sprinkles, boyaca, villa de leyva, 2017 goals, Guatavita,

December was the month to ask my bridesmaids if they would do me the honor, all said Yes! 2 are in Colombia and one here in MTL… time went flying by this last month, Christmas shopping was done, a few baking orders for holidays parties, and all of a sudden it was the 24th again, time to celebrate our engagement year, and that dear reader, is how 2017 went by.

Friends for life, montreal blogger, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, celebrating love, anniversaries, celebration, montrealer, engaged, engagement, wedding plans

2018 has big plans, or at least I know I do… my career will take a turn, the wedding is in 5 months and I’m open to all the changes the new year has for me.

Montreal blogger, colombian trip, colombian blogger, canadian blogger, santander, extreme, parasailing, love my life, live a little, my unicorn life, follow the sprinkles, boyaca, villa de leyva, 2017 goals, Guatavita,

Thank you for reading!


Jen G.