So, it’s been a little over 2.5 years since I decided to start this “adventure”, but I really don’t like to call it adventure anymore because for some reason calling This decision that way makes me feel like is just a chapter, or a stage, you know? Maybe adventure is the whole book, actually, for sure it is… So, it has been a little over 2.5 years since I moved to Montréal.


I didn’t just moved to a different city, and country where I’ve never been before and where I didn’t really know anyone or had a job, school, friends or a place to call home (other than the city itself). I also had decided to start from scratch many aspects of my life, for sure I had work experience, but no in a “conventional” way, I was also living at home with my parents, paying for my living but at their house with their rules and their stuff, and the time I moved away to go to college they were affording all my expenses anyway; I was also getting over a baaaad break up, where I felt like the biggest idiot in the world… And so on, you name it, it was a fresh start in every possible way.

Clothes in a bag, diplomas in another and camera on my shoulder… That’s how I arrived, with a small budget (enough for 3 or 4 months) but with all my papers on track to work legally as a permanent resident, on my 20’s, professional, and my hopes very high wishing I could face this challenge and be victorious.

My perspective has changed, for sure thanks to a bunch of different experiences, but with ups and downs I haven’t changed the idea that this place is my home, is where I belong and where I see myself growing and loving… I have a loving and supporting family, friends that will always be there for me, but when it comes to make decisions you have to trust your gut, keep in mind past experiences, think of your goals, breathe, relax, and take the step that you believe should be taken, after all nothing just happens by not taking actions, I’ve learned that even though everything happens for a reason, you also have to move around and help certain things happen.

The rollercoaster is not stoping, but I’m learning so much, specially about myself.