Hi there, Welcome to follow the Sprinkles, a blog daily made in Montreal, born in Colombia & inspired by the world!
About the Blog… Follow the sprinkles was born because I’ve always liked to share all those little projects I work on, inspired by many other blogs, always with my touch of course. I have been very crafty since I can remember, maybe seeing my grandma creating amazing home decoration items or my mom having the perfect solution/answer to all home related issues woke in me that interest to create things with my hands, and now thanks to the internet we basically have no excuses, everything is possible to learn or find.
Happy people move the world. I’m a strong believer of the butterfly effect, any button you push can have an impact in places you never though it would.

About Jen…
I’m Jen, the face and heart behind Follow the sprinkles. I am just like you, another story of that girl who _________.
And just like you I consider myself unique, we all have a story to tell and it will never be the same. Just like you, I have goals, ambitions, a past, a passion, many interests, couple of skills, a dog and a cat… We all want to change the world or at least make it a better place, and the only way is by doing what we love.
I’m from Colombia and I moved to Montreal at the end of July in 2013. I’ve been exploring, learning, working, studying and loving ever since. I’m a professional in advertising, a tech in Multimedia and Video Production, but what currently pays the bills is my full time graphic design job.
My husband is the handiest person I know and every piece of wood he touches becomes art (very lucky me), we’re always on the move exploring and working on little projects for each other, somebody else or the house we share with our kitty Rhino and Doug the dog!
You can go ahead and read about being multi-passionate, maybe check some easy to make, food inspiration or just start a DIY project whatever the reason is for you to be here… I hope you enjoy your stay. Welcome!
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