Blueberry Vodka Cocktail

Blueberry Vodka Cocktail

Hello Summer! well… almost… eventually… one day! But in the meantime, summer is a state of mind, so what about some tropical cocktail? Oh, you’re watching your calories and working on that beach body? Too bad, this is delicious. Haha,...
Almond cheesy Waffles

Almond cheesy Waffles

Good News everyone, almond cheesy waffles are actually Low carb waffles! Yes you heard me right, they are full of protein and deliciousness, but not too many carbs. As I’ve mentioned before, I love breakfast, breakfast is maybe my favourite meal, and when the...
Doughnut cookies

Doughnut cookies

Hi there! Thank you for stoping by. Aren’t these Doughnut cookies cute? Something I’ve learned is that the cutest things usually are things that look like something they are not, makes sense? Perfect example, these are cookies that look like doughnuts...
DIY – Tassel Keychains

DIY – Tassel Keychains

Ok, the story behind tassel keychains goes beyond just me being obsessed with tassels lately, but let’s start from the beginning. I don’t know about you, but I love hand made gifts and hand written notes… they are just so meaningful, and always have...