My Gender Neutral Nursery

My Gender Neutral Nursery

Since we found out we were having a baby, we were not 100% sure about wanting to know the gender, but after a few considerations, we decided to wait for the surprise. Which means, put together a Gender Neutral Nursery and from that point everything else. I mean, yes,...
How to make your own Geometric Accent Wall

How to make your own Geometric Accent Wall

A Geometric Wall is probably the cheapest and easiest way to make an accent wall. Sure, it will be time consuming, but the result will be pretty Unique. I know painting can be intimidating, but any “mistake” you do in here is easy to fix. Here is a quick...
Princess themed Baby shower

Princess themed Baby shower

Pretty in Pink princess themed baby shower… I know is not the most OMG you’re so creative concept, but guess what, it’s a “classic”, people LOVE-IT and I will even say it’s super cute haha. So here is my very Pink sweet table and my...
Sweet Baptism Sweets

Sweet Baptism Sweets

Are you planing, organizing, decorating and taking care of all details for a Baptism (or a first communion)? I have three words for you… Keep It Simple. Keep it classy and on theme but be subtle, if you’re not a pro or just won’t get tons of perfect...
DIY Happy Planters

DIY Happy Planters

Ready for the easiest and probably cutest DIY I’ve posted so far? this happy planters for sure will add some happy vibes to your space, trust me, I have them in my office (not home office, but actual office) and they really make a difference! This is one of...