It’s been 2.5 Years

So, it’s been a little over 2.5 years since I decided to start this “adventure”, but I really don’t like to call it adventure anymore because for some reason calling This decision that way makes me feel like is just a chapter, or a stage, you...

Just like you

I am just like you, another story of that girl who _________. And just like you I consider myself unique, we all have a story to tell and it will never be the same. Just like you, I have goals, ambitions, a past, a passion, many interests, couple of skills, and a cat....

I can Bake!!!

Well, it seems that I can bake. And not only that, I think I can bake amazing stuff… This time the frosting was cheese cream based but with a twist of Jack Daniels, then I had my love helped me coloring some of the frosting for my Carrot illustration Grand...

I’m Back!!!

So, yeap… I’ m back. After being a little busy for over 10 weeks , I decided that if u want something, well… Make it happen! Still in Montréal, still winter, still full of dreams, goals and ideas… But one step at the time, ok?...

Seasons are changing

L’AUTOMNE EST ARRIVÉ!!! Then as I walked the Old Montréal, I realized that was my first time there during a weekday, so is not as crowded as it usually is, and it kinda feel less touristic and more “home-like” i guess. Here are some pics I took as...

According to Instagram!!!

Salut! it’s been something around a month a half since I moved out from home and was adopted by my new one… Montréal! and according to Instagram this is how my live looks so far 🙂 (click on the images if you are no seeing them change)   But I...