My Gender Neutral Nursery

My Gender Neutral Nursery

Since we found out we were having a baby, we were not 100% sure about wanting to know the gender, but after a few considerations, we decided to wait for the surprise. Which means, put together a Gender Neutral Nursery and from that point everything else. I mean, yes,...
Weekend Walks

Weekend Walks

It was Sunday, it was beautiful and we didn’t have any greater plans. I love the nature in and around the city, I love how easy it is to get to very different parks, all offering something sweet and unique. This time was the turn for the Parc Jean Drapeau, some of the...
Who were my Bridesmaids?

Who were my Bridesmaids?

Who will your bridesmaids be? Who are your bridesmaids? Who were your bridesmaids? Common questions I got all the time when I was planning, during and after my wedding… Well, these ladies are special people to me, easy and hard to choose, but I just followed my...
Blueberry Vodka Cocktail

Blueberry Vodka Cocktail

Hello Summer! well… almost… eventually… one day! But in the meantime, summer is a state of mind, so what about some tropical cocktail? Oh, you’re watching your calories and working on that beach body? Too bad, this is delicious. Haha,...
DIY – Tassel Keychains

DIY – Tassel Keychains

Ok, the story behind tassel keychains goes beyond just me being obsessed with tassels lately, but let’s start from the beginning. I don’t know about you, but I love hand made gifts and hand written notes… they are just so meaningful, and always have...