Follow the Sprinkles in Youtube

Follow the Sprinkles in Youtube

Hi dear reader, Well, I’ve decided to experiment a little and start a youtube channel. It is exiting as it is scary, I’m more of a “behind the cameras” type of person, but I also want to share my projects in a maybe more personal way and why...

Multi-Passions… What do you wanna be when you grow up?

I can bake, it’s like designing 🙂 … Multi-Passions anyone? Yeah so… Being multi-passioned is a thing, I knew it already, but I guess I really never fully understood how it works, until hit me in the face. People like to do stuff besides their job,...
Road Trip – Maine

Road Trip – Maine

Summer time… Camping, walking, beaching, hiking, exploring, etc… All the greatness of the outdoors and the time off. But we were craving some ocean, beaches around here can be fun don’t get me wrong, but when ocean is needed, don’t ignore the...
Back to school style… Best finds :)

Back to school style… Best finds :)

It’s back to school season, which for me means 2 things: 1. Work is crazy, overtime is happening, stress is showing again among coworkers… I work in the school photography industry, so this is the busiest time of the year; and 2. Office Supplies shopping,...

Cinco de Mayo… On the Siete de Mayo

So, may was about the start, we still hadn’t had a house warming party or anything, weather started to be pretty decent, we’ve been baking a lot, working on different recipes… So, timing was perfect to have a party and since my obssesion with themes...