Just like you

I am just like you, another story of that girl who _________. And just like you I consider myself unique, we all have a story to tell and it will never be the same. Just like you, I have goals, ambitions, a past, a passion, many interests, couple of skills, and a cat....

Weekend Getaway… NYC

It was the beginning of May, I was overwhelm at work (lots of shitty days too), super busy with school, and well, you know, stress starts to show up… So, we took the weekend to go walk around and play tourists in the Big Apple. We also wanted to take the new car...

Black and White Artistry… Autumn

Some Off season pictures… They are from October when we went Pumpkin picking, it was a lot of fun for sure, but for some reason I didn’t share the pictures then, and well since I used them for my Black and White Artistry class.. They are looking sharp and...

Warhol at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Is not like I’ve been in thousands of Warhol expos but every time I go see one, I see it completely different, with different eyes, but I figured that the only reason is because every time I’ve been in a different moment of my life.     First time I was...

I’m Back!!!

So, yeap… I’ m back. After being a little busy for over 10 weeks , I decided that if u want something, well… Make it happen! Still in Montréal, still winter, still full of dreams, goals and ideas… But one step at the time, ok?...