Since we found out we were having a baby, we were not 100% sure about wanting to know the gender, but after a few considerations, we decided to wait for the surprise. Which means, put together a Gender Neutral Nursery and from that point everything else.
I mean, yes, it’s not the 1950’s and we have all the tools to find out, but isn’t waiting exiting? and also, everything in our life from the second we found out, spins around this tiny human, he/she is in control, so at least holding on finding the gender was the one thing I felt we could control. Now to the good stuff, the Nursery! this is a project definitely exiting for us and since day 1 Mark got deep into it, as you’ll be able to see in the video below:
Working on a gender neutral nursery is not that hard, yes, probably a tiny bit more challenging than when knowing the gender, but in part that’s why is more fun, you have to push harder and think bigger. We’re lucky we’re living in a time when it’s so easy to find so many things that are gender neutral. I honestly still find funny how people got shocked by our decision and followed their reaction by saying things like “but how are you going to dress the baby the first weeks? I guess you’re getting just white clothes?” and I mean, there’s a whole spectrum of colours out there, not everything is strictly pink or blue…
And I guess that’s where we started, I really liked the idea of some pale green, something very natural and relaxing, yellow and gray were also a consideration, but before buying the paint we started deciding on the wallpaper for the accent wall (something we knew we wanted since the baby was still hypothetical), so we knew what we were playing with.

Yes, I can proudly say that I love to use my label maker (I use this one), can’t deny that it makes me feel like things are really put together, even if they’re not.

Last but no least, we needed a rocking chair, but not just any, it had to be perfect (and not too bulky, the room is not huge and we wanted to have air around the furniture of course). Somehow, my brother in law still had the rocking chair he used for both of his kids, which they didn’t use anymore, and it happened to be the same rocking chair my mother in law used to rock her babies over 30 years ago, how amazing is that? we took it and gave it some well deserved love!