A Geometric Wall is probably the cheapest and easiest way to make an accent wall. Sure, it will be time consuming, but the result will be pretty Unique. I know painting can be intimidating, but any “mistake” you do in here is easy to fix. Here is a quick video of how my process went, it took me a couple of nights, tons of tape and changing my mind 3 times before getting started, but I’m very happy with the result.
How to make the straight lines? yes with tons of tape. The only skill you’ll need here is patience: You’ll need to tape, paint, remove and tape again once the paint is dry. Before getting started make sure you know how many colours you want, is that including your current wall base colour? Play with the design until you’re satisfied, decide which colour will go where and then hands on!

Piece of advice, if you want clean perfect lines there’s one trick I recommend, paint one colour, let it dry and remove the tape. Double check is fully dry and then re-tape, but this time put the tape on the already painted side. In the 2 photos below you can see what I mean, once the pink triangle was dry I aligned the tape on top of it and then painted more pink on the other side (see second photo)… This might seem odd, but that is how you protect the paint from going under the tape al leaving a not very clean line. Once the pink paint overlapping the tape was dry I was able to finish my dark greyish colour.

Hope my explanation makes sense, the whole point is to avoid the paint from going under the tape and making a mess that after you’ll have to fix by hand with a small brush.