More like, Girly girls night for non super girly girls haha. Makes sense?

I like to decorate, make things pretty and take care of people, you know, host all kinds of get togethers at home. It’s been a while since the last time I hung out with girls, just girls, you know? And timing happened to be perfect, I got my wedding dress and Mark was going to be out of town, so I invited some friends and tried on my dress, ate and drank.

I really love my dress, I tried it one a few months ago on a little trip to visit my friend Lina in Virginia, we went to try on dresses just for fun, kind of to understand shapes and stuff I had no idea about (never tried a wedding dress before)… But I fall in love with one of those dresses, the price was inside my imaginary budget and everything was lovely about it. Still was too soon to buy it, so I kept it on hold… Fast forward to November, I made the call and ordered the dress (they didn’t had it anywhere in Canada), a few days after, it was here and I wanted to share that with my friends. And yes, as cheesy as it sounds, I love feeling like my own kind of princess when I put it on.

Girls night, cake pops, montreal blogger, sweet table, almond cookies, girly night, event decor, cozy night, home baker, love to bake, girls night idea, diy girls night, girly cake pops, girls night in

Girls night, cake pops, montreal blogger, sweet table, almond cookies, girly night, event decor, cozy night, home baker, love to bake, girls night idea, diy girls night, sugar cookies, girls night in

Back to girls night…

Usually I find myself buying sets of paper cups and plates that I find pretty or charming right away, so every time we have people over and it’s informal enough to use paper cups, I can just put a theme together and make it look like it was actually planned.

A few weeks ago I found rose gold cups, plates, napkins, etc… so, having girls night in (because it was already pretty cold out) was kind of a perfect excuse to use those. I put together some of my favorite stuff, didn’t over complicated, but try my best to make if look very nice and pretty.

Sugar cookies, almond cookies (that I sandwich with buttercream and white Chocolate so they kinda look like Macarons haha), popcorn, cake pops of course and bubbly water with blueberries in it.

As per drinks I have couple of wines, some rosé, something lime-y and a bit of red I had left in my fridge for some reason. The girls came with beers, and we discovered that anything you pour into a rose gold cup gets classier haha. Since everything was sweet, we also had some bowls of chips and Chicken nuggets. Last but no least, I filled in the empty spaces on the table with tiny paper leaves, in pink and gold tones.

So, beer, nugets, potato chips… sounds like the plan my boyfriend would have any night with his buddies, but with the right sweets & treats and cups, it becomes a very girly set up!

Girls night, cake pops, montreal blogger, sweet table, almond cookies, girly night, event decor, cozy night, home baker, love to bake, girls night idea, diy girls night, sugar cookies, girls night in

Girls night, cake pops, montreal blogger, sweet table, almond cookies, girly night, event decor, cozy night, home baker, love to bake, girls night idea, diy girls night, girls night in

Any reason is good to celebrate and get together!