Summer is here! And so all the excuses to make cute citrus-y looking stuff.

If you know me, you know how much I love lemon, lime, oranges, grapefruit and basically any citrus. I make Lemon or lime curd all the time because I love it so freaking much. But I wanted to try something new, what’s hot in the summer? Grapefruit! and also flamingos, but I have no idea how to make a flamingo curd and probably will be kind of not so sweet and very sad, so Grapefruit Macarons it is.

follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons

First things first… This is a tutorial on how to decorate and make the filling of the macarons, therefore you can buy plain macaroon cookies or make your own, there’s no Grapefruit flavour in the cookie, only in the filling. But as you know, I like to bake my own.

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Once they’re out of the oven and they’re cold.. Proceed to paint! You’ll need:

  • Small Brush
  • Food Colouring: Red and orange. I used liquid so I wouldn’t have to dilute it with any alcohol or other liquid.
  • Mixing plate
  • And of course your Macs

Grapefruits are all about messy triangles and by messy I mean you don’t have to be too careful when painting… see process below, nothing too fancy:

follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons, painting macaroons, how to paint macaroons

follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons

Before painting, I made and chilled the Buttercream! And as you can see, follows the colour pallet, just by adding a few drops of orange and red (2:1 ratio).
follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons

Put the buttercream into a pipping bag, and add a large star shape tip, you want to make a circle that will work as a barrier for the curd but don’t take it too close to the edge or it’ll get very messy when you add the top cookie and press a bit, then add the grapefruit curd in the middle.

The Grapefruit Curd needs:

  • 3/4 cup grapefruit juice.
  • 3 egg yolks.
  • 6 Tbsp of sugar
  • 1 Tbs of Corn Starch.
  • About 6 Tbsp of butter (don’t melt it)… I usually cut it in little cubes.
  • The process: mix and heat grapefruit juice and egg yolks, keep it in medium heat as you don’t want it to boil, add corn starch and sugar as the mix is warming up, I usually don’t use corn starch for curd but since in this one there’s so much juice, we need to help the mix thicken up. Let it warm up, stir and see how it thickens. Once is thick enought that the texture looks somehow like melted chocolate, move aside and start adding butter little by little stirring as you go (remember is cut in little cubes). Let it chill, and is ready to use, you can refrigerate for 2 weeks.
  • Remember that for use it to fill the macs it should be completely cold, otherwise will met the buttercream wall.

follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons

follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons

follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons

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follow the sprinkles, montrealer, montreal blogger, macarons, grapefruits, how to make macarons, how to paint macarons