This easter bark is a life saver, and actually just by changing the colours it works on any season and for any party, is definetly something I love to make all year long. So, you don’t nt have tons of time (or imagination) but want to put together a cute treat, right? All you need is:

  • Semi dark chocolate chips… you don’t want the bark to be over sweet or it’ll be hard to enjoy.
  • Candy melts in different colours (I’m using pink and blue)
  • Graham style crakers
  • Mini eggs (I used easter M&M’s)… you want to crush some in advance.

Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger

And trust me when I say it’s a dummy proof treat, follow this steps or tweak if necessary…

  1.  Melt your semi-dark chocolate, if you use the microwave remember to stop and stir every 20 seconds to avoid burning it.
  2. Spread the chocolate on a cookie tray covered with wax paper ( if you don’t have any, use parchment paper with a touch of coconut oil).
  3. Start placing the crackers one next to the other until you have the whole chocolate surface covered.
  4. Next, melt your candy melts. Again, any technique is fine, microwave, double boiler, melting pot, etc…
  5. Cover the crackers with the candy melts, half of the surface with one colour, and the other half with the other, but don’t use it all, leave a little bit on the side.
  6. What you left on the side use it to make thick lines on top of the opposite colour.
  7. Then, with a toothpick make lines side to side to draw some patterns. Stop when you like the patterns you got.
  8. Finally, spread your previously crushed mini eggs and a couple of whole ones.
  9. Chill for an hour in the fridge.
  10. Take out of the fridge and remove from the cookie tray, place in a cutting board and with a sharp knife start cutting into pieces. And you’re done, enjoy the magic!


Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal bloggerEaster bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal bloggerEaster bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal bloggerEaster bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger

Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger

Easter bark, last minute bark, easy bark, home baker, montreal baker, montreal blogger